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Pick a plan
Unlimited talk, text, data
US, Canada, and Mexico coverage
Flex-SIM connects to all major towers
Full access to the parent app
Money-back guarantee
Pick a plan
Two year prepaid Most savings $9.99/mo
Pay the total $239.76 upfront at checkout.
Pay the total $239.76 upfront at checkout. Most savings
One year prepaid Most popular $12.99/mo
Pay the total $155.88 upfront at checkout.
Pay the total $155.88 upfront at checkout. Most popular
Six month prepaid $14.99/mo
Pay the total $89.94 upfront at checkout.
Pay the total $89.94 upfront at checkout.
Month-to-month $17.99/mo
Pay monthly with a three month minimum.
Pay monthly with a three month minimum.