This is an automatic update, so just ensure your watch has at least 50% battery and good connection (Wi-Fi recommended).
What's new in 3.8
Check out all of the new features and updates that are available for JrTrack 4 in this release.
What's new:
Quick Settings
Audio Message Transcription
Watch-Set Alarms
Location Check-Ins
Frequently asked
How can I update my watch?
Can I take calls while connected to Bluetooth on JrTrack 4?
How do I enable Audio Message Transcription on JrTrack 4?
To enable Audio Message Transcription, open the watch and go to Settings > Device settings > Text options > Transcribe voice notes.
*Only available for Guardians and Mission Control Parent App Primary account.
Does Audio Message Transcription work in group chats?
Yes! As long as everyone in the group is an approved Guardian, than Audio Message Transcription will work in group chats.
Does JrTrack 3 have access to these features?
All of the features on this page are currently only available for JrTrack 4.
Can parents see alarms set by kids?
No, parents cannot see alarms set by kids from the parent app. However, kids can see alarms set by parents, and they can't change or delete them.
Will alarms still go off during school mode?
When School Mode is active, the alarm will vibrate and show what it's for, but it will not make noise during school mode.