We’re excited to introduce a special guest blogger and new Cosmo Ambassador, Care Willink (@thirdcoasttribe). As an experienced outdoor and family travel enthusiast, Care knows how to make the most of adventures with her three kiddos. In this post, she’s sharing her favorite winter activities that pair perfectly with your Cosmo watch. Whether you're embracing the cooler weather outdoors or staying warm inside, Care will show you how your smartwatch can be your kid's ultimate companion on every frosty adventure. Keep reading for all the fun details!
You’ve stumbled out of the holiday season and found yourself in a snowy winter wonderland with your kids. What can you do? Getting outside in winter can certainly be a bit harder for some families, especially when you get a lot of snow like we do! But, have no fear! We’re sharing four of our favorite ideas to help you to get outside, and create some indoor fun with your kiddos this winter — with a little help from their Cosmo watch!
First of all, be sure and check your child’s contacts are up to date with their cousins and family. Our daughters love being able to keep the connection with their big cousin Mya while she is away at college! They hear about her adventures and hear all about college...I have to keep reminding them that college isn’t for a few years so calm down! It’s so fun to see them learn and stay connected to family in this way.
Snowsuit up and head outside with your Cosmo watch for a:
Winter Dance Party!
- Download your kids “Spotify Kids” app to their watch. Then go outside and have a snowy dance party! During the day see how many snowflakes you can catch while a song is playing! At night, be sure and grab a flashlight to add extra dancing sparkles!
Scavenger Hunt!
- Download your kids “Checklist” app. This is a great way to make a scavenger hunt list! Kids get one point per item found! Go check in with the neighbors and find the following items (or take a picture on your watch to prove you found it):

Games (Inside or Outside):
- Download the ‘Calm” app. Use the calming sounds as you follow these easy yoga moves. This helps your kiddos move their bodies in a calm way and get some great indoor activity in!

Make a Podcast
- Have a favorite book? Ate something amazing lately? What was your favorite thing you did today? The possibilities are endless! Record yourself on a video and send it to everyone labeling it “A mini podcast about me!” Ask them if they want to “subscribe” to more and send them more :)
We hope this helps get your little one outside and moving on these long winter days. We love taking our Cosmo watches along and finding creative ways to explore, learn and play in any weather!
Care Willink, Cosmo Ambassador