How to Empower Kids to Walk to School Safely

How to Empower Kids to Walk to School Safely

As parents, you know better than anyone that we’re constantly walking the tightrope between nurturing our kids’ independence and keeping them safe. One of the biggest steps on this journey? Letting our kids walk to and from school on their own.

We know, we know, our hearts sped up at the thought, too! But it’s a rite of passage that can work wonders for their confidence, teach them more responsibility, and get them moving and active throughout the day. And as much as we want them to have more freedom, the thought of our little ones out there alone still ties our stomachs in knots. 

That's why we’re giving you some tried-and-true strategies to help empower your children to walk to school safely and confidently, plus how smart tech like our Cosmo JrTrack kids’ smartwatch offers the perfect middle ground between helicopter parenting and complete freedom. Keep reading for all the details!

The Benefits of Walking to School

Believe it or not, walking to and from school can be a valuable experience for children and offer more than just a way to get home or to class. It's an opportunity to get out into the real world and familiarize themselves with their surroundings. As your kids walk, they'll become more connected to their neighborhood and environment. They'll learn to manage their time, understanding the importance of leaving home punctually to arrive at school on time. Also, starting the day with a walk can help children arrive at school feeling refreshed and ready to learn. 

According to a 2023 study highlighted by, kids who walked or biked to school enjoyed school more and showed increased odds of high perceived academic performance. Overall, walking to school allows children to ease into their day at their own pace, get a little fresh air, and be prepared when they arrive in the classroom.

How to Empower Kids to Walk to School

Are you ready to empower your child with safe independence? Here are six ways you and other guardians can empower them to walk to school safely: 

  1. Practice the Route Together: Walk the route to school with your child a few times to familiarize them with the path, crosswalks, and any other important landmarks. This will help them feel more confident and aware of their surroundings to get to and from school in a breeze! 
  2. Arrange a Walking Group: Get together with a few other parents in your neighborhood whose children go to the same school as yours and arrange for your kids to walk together. Walking in a group can increase safety and make the journey more enjoyable for your child, especially as they get used to the new routine. They may even make some new friends!
  3. Teach Road Safety: Ensure your child understands traffic rules and pedestrian safety, and talk to them about which routes are the safest and which areas they should avoid. Also, be sure to stay updated on any new developments in your neighborhood that might affect their routine route or safety. 
  4. Set Up a Safe Meeting Spot: Designate a specific and safe spot that is also well-lit and in a visible area, so your child can wait for friends or guardians during an emergency if needed. 
  5. Role-Play Emergency Situations: Conduct role-playing exercises to prepare your child for different scenarios, like what they should do if they feel unsafe or if they encounter a stranger on their walk. By running through these “what ifs,” they’ll be more confident and prepared in case of an emergency.

Stay Connected with Safe Technology: Equip your child with smart devices like Cosmo’s JrTrack smartwatch—a phone, watch, and GPS all in one—so you can track their location and stay in touch with them for added peace of mind on their walk.

Do Kids Need a Phone to Stay Safe?

As your children begin walking to and from school on their own, your natural instinct is to ensure their security. A common question we hear parents ask is if a phone is necessary to provide that security. While smartphones do offer many benefits and oftentimes can be as simple as adding a new line to your existing family plan, they can also introduce potential distractions or force your kids to grow up quicker than you ideally want them to. So, how can you balance the need for safety with fostering independence? And what should you consider if you’re unsure about the decision?

Before jumping straight to a smartphone before you’re comfortable, consider an all-in-one smartwatch as that first introduction to technology. Smartwatches designed specifically for kids, like Cosmo's, offer the safety features of a phone such as GPS tracking, SOS alerts, and the ability to send and receive messages, but with fewer distractions. They are designed to keep communication simple and focused, allowing kids to stay connected with essential check-ins without the potential pitfalls of a smartphone, like social media and open Internet. They can be a fantastic first step, helping children learn responsible communication while exploring their freedom and taking on the world around them. 

Ultimately, you as the parent know best. The key is to consider your family's unique needs and what's right for your child. It’s important to teach kids about responsible use of technology and to ensure they understand how to use those tools effectively. And by choosing the right device, whether it’s a smartwatch or a more traditional phone, you can help give them that power as they navigate each school day.

If you do go the smartwatch route, here are some key safety features to look for in a smartwatch:

  1. GPS Tracking: Keep track of their whereabouts, whether they're walking to school, playing at the park, or on their way to a friend's house. GPS tracking provides that extra layer of reassurance that you are connected to your child's location in real-time and know they are where they should be.
  1. Location Geofencing: Do you ever have those days where you wish you could put an invisible fence around your little one? Location geofencing is the next best thing! Look for features where you can set up special zones designating where your kiddo should be, and if they wander outside of that location, you get an automatic alert. It's perfect for making sure they stick to the right path and allows you to respond quickly if they wander into an area that might be unsafe or unfamiliar.
  1. Calling and Messaging: With calling and messaging features, your kid has a direct line to reach out to you anytime, anywhere, and vice versa. Whether they need a quick pep talk on the walk to school, want to share an exciting story about what happened in after-school sports practice, or even just to let you know they've been picked up by a guardian safely, they're just a button-press away. 
  1. SOS Alerts: This is the feature you hope your child will never need to use but will be a lifesaver if they do. SOS alerts enable your child to send an emergency signal to you or a designated contact with just the press of a button. They can send out an SOS message, contacting you, a guardian, or emergency services, providing quick assistance and peace of mind that your child has a way to get help if they ever need it.

By choosing a smartwatch equipped with these safety features, you're giving your child a shield of safety, a connection to home, and the confidence to spread their wings a little further while navigating their day independently. These functionalities not only help you monitor their well-being but also empower them with the tools they need to confidently handle various situations.

The Perfect Companion: Cosmo’s JrTrack Smartwatch

When it comes to ensuring your child’s safety and fostering their independence, our Cosmo smartwatch offers a range of features that go beyond simple tracking and communication. Here’s how our features can support both your child's well-being and their growth as they take on more responsibility within each school day.

  • Seamless two-way communication helps kids feel more secure and confident knowing they can reach their parents anytime, anywhere with real-time GPS tracking. 
  • With no apps, open Internet, or social media, our smartwatch introduces children ages 6-12 to technology in a controlled, age-appropriate way. 
  • Using SafeZones and location alerts, you can create boundaries that are important for your child and also slowly expand zones as children age & demonstrate more reliability.
  • It supports kids’ growing senses of responsibility, giving them the opportunity to manage a device, learn how to stay on schedule, and develop a routine.
  • It encourages your child to stay active and build healthier habits in a fun, engaging way by tracking daily steps.

We’re on a mission to not only support your child’s safety, communication and personal growth, but also help you guide them through that newfound independence. And we’re so happy our Cosmo families feel the impact of our mission everyday. Here’s just some of what the parents in our Cosmo community are saying!

"I love having something where my boys can get exposure to and ownership of technology as a powerful tool for connection, without incurring a lot of the dangers that are out there today.” - Erin

"I got one for my daughter and it's great that she has it to walk home [and] to school and I'm able to see that she gets there safe on time, as it has GPS tracking." - Marco

Walking to and from school is an important step in your child's journey toward independence. With the right preparation and tools like our Cosmo JrTrack kids’ smartwatch, you can provide your kids with the freedom they crave while maintaining the connection and safety you need. By embracing this balance, you're not just enhancing their daily routine–you're investing in your child's growth, health, and real-world experiences.